Friday, February 5, 2010

Brewed Love

Right outside my undergrad design school was this chai wala (loose translation - tea shop). He used to make and serve tea in a burnt, black gray ketely (loose translation - tea pot). Just the fragrant steam from the spout was sometimes enough to break our lecture induced daze.

Capturing the memory here with this "Brewed Love" illustration.

tea art
bird and tea potcheerful art
Here are some more pictures of my work space. I love to surround myself with bright colors. Current favorites are red, yellow and green, in the same order. For some strange reason I have developed an aversion for blue. Well for the time being anyway.

More pictures of my home here.
wall art
art wallbird trendart trendart that makes you smile


  1. Your creations are always so colorful! I just discovered you via Etsy and I am loving everything I see...thank you!

  2. Thank you kvg :) Spending time with these colorful creatures is so much fun!

  3. you crack me up *aversion to blue* ;)

    nice digs though and great work as always :)

  4. hmmm..steaming hot tea. I cd do with a cup of chai. Lovely illustration!

  5. So lovely!! I'm linking you at my blog with this beautiful work!


Did my work make you smile? Please let me know by leaving a comment! I love to read your comments :)