Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hello! I hope everyone is doing good and staying dry. It has been raining in philly. One day it is warm and sunny and next it’s pouring outside. It drives me crazy! Rain also makes me want soup. Soups have a special comforting power, I think. 

Anyhoo...we just returned from a beautiful and fun filled weekend in DC. We drove down early Saturday morning and spent the next 2 days walking under the breathtaking cherry blossom trees around the tidal basin, marveling at the flower laden Magnolia trees and spent hours at the Natural History Museum (saw the hope diamond!) and Air and Space Museum (LOVED watching 'Journey to the Stars'). 

I started drawing this monday morning with rain outside my window and creamy corn soup in my heart. I'm so happy with the way it turned out :)

Corn, available for purchase here


  1. We were in DC too girl!! What a miss! :/
    The corn illustration is pretty, especially the tall guy..

  2. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment!


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