Thursday, March 17, 2011

New website and a new look for me!

The new website is ready! I have been working with Tarun (Yes, my amazing hubby created this gorgeous website from scratch!!) for the past few months  to develop my new online home. It's in the final stages of development and you can grab a sneak peek at Come on over!

I hope you like it! Please let me know your thoughts with an email or comment.


  1. You truly fill my life with "flying colors" and I absolutely love working with you on this project!  Need I say Thanks! :)

  2. Well done! You are so lucky to have such a great hubby who does all these cool things for you. I showed it to AM for inspiration! He is making some bread upma for me now!! :D
    Also got to know what a 'line sheet' is. Very nice that you can keep uploading your illustrations. One thing I'd change would be the font on your 'profile' page. A sans serif or a more unfamiliar font that TNR. And maybe a slightly smaller size.

  3. Thank you for visiting!! I sure appreciate all of your comments :)

  4. your work surely makes me smile every time i view it. its absolutely so fresh and inspiring !! good going Pragya. your website is nice needs more working esp on the brand name... hey have a colorful holi !!


Did my work make you smile? Please let me know by leaving a comment! I love to read your comments :)