Monday, February 28, 2011


Hello Monday! This morning I woke up early and finished off my illustration of the seven radish. Working with fresh fruits and vegetables makes me so happy (and keeps the fridge well stocked too).

Do any of you out there use Pinterest? It's a great way of cataloging inspiring images. In case you do, here are my boards. It's amazing and quite addictive!  

Available for purchase here.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Happy Friday, my friends! Hope you all have something fun planned for the weekend. I would like to curl up and enjoy saturday morning with breakfast in bed (one of the perks of being married to a great guy). Hot pancakes (as fun and colorful, as my illustration?)  topped with some fruit, warm honey and a dash of chocolate syrup ... are you drooling yet?

Pancakes, available for purchase here.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ice cream cones

Ice cream reminds me of those many happy summer days spent walking down the street with friends or sitting in the sun, licking ice cream and feeling really happy.

Those lazy days of summer are right around the corner, right? 

Ice cream cones print, available for purchase here.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We went to The Metropolitan Museum, while in New York for the weekend. I could easily spend weeks wandering around the museum and dreaming about the stories behind all the awe-inspiring pieces, exhibited so carefully.  

What I particularly liked was the Temple of Dendur. One grand and majestic Nubian temple rebuilt in a NY museum!  

And, here is today's Illustration. As you no doubt noticed, fruits and vegetables are on my mind :)

Pear, available for purchase here.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Hello Friday! Last week flew by in a most colorful blur :).  Sometimes I think I'm traveling on top of those rainbow colored clouds (from yesterday's illustration), that I can't see any other colors so far!

I like spending more and more time outside and taking advantage of the warm weather. Walking in the park, collecting acorn heads, broken branches and dreaming up fun things to draw. I'm glad to say I'm having super productive days!

Pomegranate, available for purchase here.

Have a fun filled weekend!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

On cloud 9

I'm in a state of blissful happiness :) And the reason is none other than the rising temperature! Yesterday on my way to Bohema Philly (A lovely little indie store in Manyunk that began stocking ArtOcrat, Yippie!!) I rolled down the windows of car and felt the sun filled air rush in. It made me deliriously happy.

It's time to celebrate. Summers are finally here!

Cloud 9, available for purchase here.

You can check out Bohema Philly on facebook too. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Happy Wednesday! 

Did you know that one teaspoon of red chili powder meets the recommended daily allowance for Vitamin A? Or that one green chili pod has as much Vitamin C as 6 oranges? Amazing right? 

Perfect print to spice up the kitchen :)

Chili, available for purchase here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy V- Day Everyone!

Heart shaped Khaman. 
I used a cookie cutter to take out the heart shape.  For the recipe go here

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sometimes you find inspiration right under your nose... I was cleaning out the closet to make more room for mom's stuff and found a old scrapbook filled with goodies from the past! So much inspiration stuffed in one heavy book. One page had a bunch of crow (I think) feathers glued one below other. 

It inspired me to create this illustration. 

Feathers, available for purchase here

Stay warm. Have a good day!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Come on spring

Yesterday, as I watched the snow flakes flying by outside, I had a sudden urge to start working on spring themed illustrations.  Warm winds, blooming flowers, green foliage, outdoor parties and long walks in the park. 

I'm very excited to share the first one of the lot. It's called 'come on spring'. 

Come on spring, available for purchase here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tree cup

Who knew plants love tea as much as we human's do! 

I was reading about organic gardening and it turns out, used tea leaves are really good for outdoor plants. They are rich in organic nutrients that make the plants flourish (Roses and tomatoes especially). And a little less gets thrown away in the trash!  

Tree cup, available for purchase here

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bubble bath

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you had a good week and are ready for a relaxing weekend. Except for the icy week and a snow forecast for saturday I have been great!!

I'm sure everyone had a full week and is looking forward to going home this evening and unwinding. Here is a my friday night stress reliever -  Some soft music, a candle or two and a relaxing bubble bath!

Bubble bath, available for purchase here.

Blowing some happy bubbles your way!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You had me at hello!

It rained ice last night and it was unbelievably beautiful in the morning. Thin brown branches with red berries all encased in ice!  The iced berries were my favorite part. It's a bummer that the slippery roads are going to keep me indoors but, on the up side, its the perfect time to cozy up and indulge in cold day comfort foods, so yay! 

I leave you with this sweet illustration 'You had me at hello!' 
Have a warm day!

You had me at hello! Available for purchase here

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today I come bearing a dose of Vitamin A for you all. And a very fun and colorful dose too! This illustration  not only has the usual carrot colors - orange, purple, red and yellow but some blues, pinks and mauves as well. 

We have been eating lots of carrots (and drinking freshly squeezed carrot juice) since Bunny Bee came home. She like the organic carrots with the greens still attached and we prefer the ones without the top. If our vision improves then we will know the myth is true!

Carrots, available for purchase here.